Tuesday, February 08, 2011

My First Post

I am glad that finally i started a blog to pour out those thoughts and ideas which were incepted in my day-to-day thought processes.. Let me give an reincarnated life to those ephemeral thoughts before they eventually diminish their presence in my grey matter.. :) 
Happy Blogging Ko!!!


  1. Good job da. Dont use GRE words, keep it simple ;) Happy blogging!!

  2. All 4000 words in the English language are included for the GRE exam da ;) If you neglect all of them, nobody can write a single line of post :P A single complex word can save couple of lines of electronic bytes. Because of such a common interest, I'm using such complex words. :)
    Thanks da.. Will continue my work.. Share your comments whenever you get time Hari..
